3D digital technologies have advanced rapidly over recent decades and they can now afford new ways of interacting with anatomical and cultural artefacts. Such technologies allow for interactive investigation of visible or non-observable surfaces, haptic generation of content and tactile experiences with digital and physical representations. These interactions and technical advances often facilitate the generation of new knowledge through interdisciplinary and sympathetic approaches.Scientific and public understanding of anatomy are often enhanced by clinical imaging technologies, 3D surface scanning techniques, 3D haptic modelling methods and 3D fabrication systems. These digital and haptic technologies are seen as non-invasive and allow scientists, artists and the public to become active investigators in the visualisation of, and interaction with, human anatomy, remains and histories.Face Lab is a Liverpool John Moores University research group that focuses on creative digital face research; specifically the further development of a 3D computerized craniofacial depiction system, utilizing 3D digital technologies in facial analysis and identification of human remains for forensic investigation, or historical figures for archaeological interpretation.This chapter explores the affordances of such interactions for the non-destructive production of craniofacial depiction, through a case-study based exploration of Face Lab workflow.
Keywords: 3D animation; 3D modelling; 3D printing; 3D scanning; 4D capture; Affordance; Craniofacial depiction; Haptic.