Transfusion Medicine is a dynamically evolving field. Recent high-quality research has reshaped the paradigms guiding blood transfusion. As increasing evidence supports the benefit of limiting transfusion, guidelines have been developed and disseminated into clinical practice governing optimal transfusion of red cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Concepts ranging from transfusion thresholds to prophylactic use to maximal storage time are addressed in guidelines. Patient blood management programs have developed to implement principles of patient safety through limiting transfusion in clinical practice. Data from National Hemovigilance Surveys showing dramatic declines in blood utilization over the past decade demonstrate the practical uptake of current principles guiding patient safety. In parallel with decreasing use of traditional blood products, the development of new technologies for blood transfusion such as freeze drying and cold storage has accelerated. Approaches to policy decision making to augment blood safety have also changed. Drivers of these changes include a deeper understanding of emerging threats and adverse events based on hemovigilance, and an increasing healthcare system expectation to align blood safety decision making with approaches used in other healthcare disciplines.
Keywords: blood transfusion; cold stored platelets; cryoprecipitate; hemovigilance; lyophilized plasma; pathogen reduction; patient blood management; plasma; platelets; red blood cells.
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