The quantification of a drug, its impurities, and e.g. components of a mixture has become routine in NMR laboratories and many applications have been described in the literature. However, besides simply using 1D 1H or 13C NMR, a number of more advanced methods has been developed and used in the past. Here, we want to describe the applicability of nuclei beyond the classical ones 1H and 13C. Mixtures can be characterized much better by applying various chemometric methods and separating the signals of mixture components can be achieved by DOSY experiments. All these methods contribute to the platform of qNMR methods and extend the possibilities of NMR for quantification and quality evaluation of drugs, excipients, polymers, and plant extracts. However, for quantification purposes, validation is always an issue and it is necessary to think about taking NMR related measures which might be different from the ones considered for chromatographic methods.
Keywords: Chemometrics; DOSY; Halogen and metal NMR; Validation; qNMR.
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