Lateral skin-platysma displacement is a new technique for neck rejuvenation based on composite platysma-cutaneous flaps repositioned laterally through cable sutures. This technique skews the anatomy of the muscle, displacing it in a more lateral position and decreases the risk of paramedian bands recurrence. Traction applied to the midbody of the myocutaneous flaps is more effective in treating anterior excess skin than traction applied to the lateral platysma borders. The advantages of Lateral skin-platysma displacement are limited neck undermining, absence of submental scar, shorter operating time, faster patient recovery, satisfactory results, and an easier approach to submandibular gland reduction.
Keywords: Anterior neck flaccidity; Excess cervical skin; Neck rejuvenation; Platysma bands; Platysma transection; Platysmectomy; Submandibular gland reduction.
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