Bacteria Producing Extended Spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) in Hospitalized Patients: Prevalence, Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern and its Main Determinants

Iran J Pathol. 2019 Winter;14(1):61-67. doi: 10.30699/IJP.14.1.61. Epub 2018 Dec 27.


Background and objective: There is a growing concern regarding the lack of new antibiotics, especially for multidrug- resistant bacteria that produce Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases (ESBLs). The present study aims to assess the preva- lence of bacteria producing ESBLs, their antimicrobial resistance pattern, and its main determinants among hospitalized patients.

Methods: The study population included 383 consecutive patients with a definitive diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI). All eligible subjects for the study had a positive culture for gram-negative microorganisms in urine specimens. ESBL producing isolates were characterized phenotypically for ESBL production using the double disc synergy test.

Results: In total, 383 specimens were assessed, among which 212 (55.4%) were related to bacteria producing ESBLs (ESBL+). Of those with ESBL + infections, 65.5% were sourced from catheters (as hospital-associated UTIs), and 35.5% were categorized as community-associated UTIs. In the group consisting of bacteria producing ESBLs, the high- est sensitivity was observed with Imipenem (72.2%), while the highest resistance was revealed with ceftriaxone (100%).

Conclusion: We have shown that our community faces a high prevalence of bacteria producing ESBLs, mostly sourced from the catheterization of hospitalized patients. The highest bacterial sensitivity was observed with Imipenem, nitrofu- rantoin, and amikacin, while the highest resistance was found with ceftriaxone and cotrimoxazole, suggesting the inef- fectiveness of using the two latter antibiotics for eradicating these bacterial infections. On the other hand, a history of urinary catheterization and previous hospitalization were two main determinants of their presence, a finding which em- phasizes the importance of avoiding catheterization and hospitalization of patients with UTIs without proper indications.

Keywords: Antibiotic Resistance Hospital-Patient; beta-Lactamase.