159 patients with malignant lymphomas or monoclonal gammopathies were investigated for lymphocytes and their subsets using conventional surface markers and a panel of monoclonal antibodies. In untreated patients with Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin lymphomas and multiple myeloma, (MM) a reduction of T-cells and especially of the "helper/inducer" subset (OKT4+) was found to be a common phenomenon. The major abnormalities occurred in advanced stages of disease. Patients previously treated by chemo- and/or radiotherapy had a further decrease of T-cells, whereas the loss of OKT4+ cells was more pronounced than that of the "suppressor/cytotoxic" lymphocytes (OKT8+). The alterations of lymphocyte subsets persisted even in long-term remitters. Comparing the lymphocyte subsets in MM and benign monoclonal gammopathies (BMG), patients with BMG showed a significant reduction in OKT8+ cells, whereas the OKT4+ population was within normal range, resulting in a significant elevation of the OKT4/OKT8-ratio compared to the controls and untreated multiple myeloma.