A pilot study was undertaken to characterize the concentration, duration and particle size distribution of the talc cloud that forms in the personal breathing zone (PBZ) during application of certain talc-containing cosmetics. Multiple direct-reading instruments were employed to simultaneously monitor PM4 concentrations (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < 4 µm; mg/m3) at different distances from each of three subjects while they applied talc products. Results indicated that the purpose and method of applying the talc product, combined with behavioral and physical differences amongst subjects, all strongly influenced airborne talc concentrations and the duration of the cloud. Air concentrations of talc in the PBZ averaged around 1.0 mg/m3, and the duration of exposure varied from less than one minute to more than ten minutes. The real-time monitors captured the occasional formation of secondary clouds, likely caused by resuspension of talc particles from skin or other surfaces. Measurements of aerosolized baby powder, face powder, and two adult body powders indicated that the median aerodynamic diameter of the talc cloud ranged from 1.7 to 2.0 µm. These direct-reading approaches were valuable for providing detailed characterization of short duration exposures to airborne talc particles, and will be useful to support future exposure assessments of talc and other powders in consumer products.
Keywords: consumer products; inhalation exposure; magnesium silicate; particulate matter; short-term variability; talcum powder.