Differential Expression of Circular RNAs in Polytocous and Monotocous Uterus during the Reproductive Cycle of Sheep

Animals (Basel). 2019 Oct 14;9(10):797. doi: 10.3390/ani9100797.


CircRNA plays important roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, autophagy and apoptosis during development. However, there are few reports on circRNAs related to livestock reproduction. In this study, we identified circRNAs by deep sequencing and analyzed their expression in the uteri of polytocous and monotocous sheep (FecB++) during follicular and luteal phases. There were 147 and 364 circRNAs with differential expression in the follicular and luteal phases, respectively. GO and KEGG enrichment analysis was performed for the host genes of the circRNAs to predict the functions of differentially expressed circRNAs. These source genes were mainly involved in the estrogen signaling pathway, TGFβ signaling pathway, GnRH signaling pathway, oxytocin signaling pathway, pentose phosphate pathway, and starch and sucrose metabolism related to reproduction and energy metabolism. CircRNA expression patterns were validated by RT-qPCR. Our findings provide a solid foundation for the identification and characterization of key important circRNAs involved in reproduction.

Keywords: RNA-Seq; circRNAs; prolificacy; sheep; uterus.