New target molecules for diagnosis of and drug development for colorectal cancer (CRC) are always in great demand. Previously, we identified a new colorectal cancer-specific protein, TMEM180, and successfully developed an anti-TMEM180 monoclonal antibody (mAb) for the diagnosis and treatment of CRC. Although TMEM180 is classified as a member of the cation symporter family and multi-pass membrane protein, little is known about its function. In this study, we examined topology of this membrane protein and analyzed its function. Using a homology model of human TMEM180, we experimentally determined that the protein has 12 transmembrane domains, and that its N-terminal and C-termini are exposed extracellularly. Moreover, we found that the putative cation-binding site of TMEM180 is conserved among orthologs, and that its position is similar to that of melibiose transporter MelB. These results suggest that TMEM180 acts as a cation symporter. Our topological analysis based on the homology model provides insight into functional and structural roles of TMEM180 that may help to elucidate the pathology of CRC.
Keywords: Cation symporter; Colorectal cancer; Homology model; MFSD13A; TMEM180.
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