The hair transplant has become widely popular aesthetic procedure. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) are two commonly used and accepted techniques. FUT requires excision of strip of tissue from occipital donor area leading to linear scar. To overcome scarring and other complications of FUT, FUE technique has been attempted which involves harvesting of small individual follicular units. Hair transplantation has been successfully used in correction of alopecia, cleft lip scars, post-burn or surgical scars, vitiligo and as an adjuvant to other maxillofacial procedures. FUE demands greater skills and orientation but can yield excellent results in experienced hands. Several maxillofacial surgeons have incorporated hair transplantation procedure in their aesthetic practice successfully. Sound knowledge of surgical technique, armamentarium and proper surgical planning are essential for desired results. The aim of this article is to explain FUE technique, risk and complications, holding solutions and other associated factors in detail. A simple protocol has been put forth for reference and for better understanding of the technique.
Keywords: Alopecia; FUE; Follicular unit extraction; Hair transplant; Holding solution; PRP.
© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2019.