Liver diseases are classified as acute and chronic hepatic failures. In particular, chronic pathologies are the most common diseases in the World. Chronic pathologies of liver disease are the most common diseases in the world. There are many causes that induce a progressive and irreversible degeneration of the hepatic parenchyma, but, in general, they lead to the destruction of the normal balance between reactive oxygen stress (ROS) formation and ROS degradation within the liver. The prevalence of disabling diseases, including the hepatic diseases, is increasingly widespread, and it is important to find a safe, inexpensive, accessible and effective way to face this condition. Many recent studies have focused on different natural antioxidants, which could restore the physiological hepatic environment, thereby allowing the normal functioning of this organ. Natural products have been used to discover new leads for treating several diseases; among them, it is important to emphasize curcumin, which is a polyphenol obtained from Curcuma longa Linn, a plant naturally found throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
Keywords: acute and chronic liver disease; curcumin; natural antioxidants; oxidative stress.