Back to the future of digital price display: Analyzing patents and other archives to understand contemporary market innovations

Soc Stud Sci. 2020 Feb;50(1):3-29. doi: 10.1177/0306312719884643. Epub 2019 Oct 19.


The article explores reasons for the lack of success of digital electronic shelf labels (ESLs) in US retail settings. It suggests that these reasons can be traced by referring to the triple meaning of 'digital': 'Digital' now means electronic, but the word also long encompassed numerals - a digit is a number - and body parts - digitus is the Latin word for the finger, that is, the index we use to point at things or manipulate them. The current fate of ESLs is linked to a long history that combined these three dimensions. The study unfolds along a twofold narrative. First, it reviews the recent introduction of ESLs in the United States based on the reading of papers and advertisements published in Progressive Grocer, a leading trade press magazine. Then, it goes 'back to the future' by exploring the roots of ESLs over a century. This historical study is based on the analysis of the evolution of US price tag patents (through a network study of patents citations and their evolution); the network analysis is complemented with the history of the US price tag market (through the knowledge gained from Progressive Grocer). The results show that digital price fixing depends on past and present systems and infrastructures, cost constraints and payback schemes, legal frameworks, and social projects.

Keywords: digitization; market devices; patents; prices.

Publication types

  • Historical Article
  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • History, 20th Century
  • History, 21st Century
  • Marketing / history*
  • Patents as Topic / history*
  • Product Labeling / history*
  • United States