Background: Based on a person-centered approach, the aim ofthis study is to identify different profiles of students based on the time they spend on homew he differences between them in the amount of homework done and academic achievement.
Method: With a sample of 968 students of Primary Education analysis of latent profiles (LPA) and ANOVA were carried out. Once the student profiles were identified, a MANOVA was conducted to analyze the differences between the motivational profiles in the amount of homework assignments done and in academic achievement.
Results: We differentiated four profiles of students that differentially combine the time they dedicate to their homework and the use they make of that time.
Conclusions: Of the profiles identified, two can be considered more effective (those that manage time better), and two can be classified as less effective (those that manage time worse). The two profiles that best manage the time spent on homework are also those that do the most homework, and have higher academic achievement. Likewise, the two profiles of students who manage time worst are those who do the least homework, and who have lower academic achievement.