Coronary artery calcium data and reporting system: Strengths and limitations

World J Radiol. 2019 Oct 28;11(10):126-133. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v11.i10.126.


Coronary artery calcium data and reporting system (CAC-DRS) is a recently introduced standardized reporting system for calcium scoring on computed tomography. CAC-DRS provides four risk categories (0, 1, 2 and 3) along with treatment recommendations for each category. As with any other new reporting platform, CAC-DRS has both advantages and disadvantages. Improved communication, better clarity of details, organized management recommendations and utility in future research and education are the major strengths of CAC-DRS. It has many limitations such as questionable need for a new system, few missing components, use of a less accurate visual method and treatment suggestions based on expert opinion instead of clinical trials. In this contemporary review, we discuss the new reporting system CAC-DRS, its application, strengths and limitations and conclude with some remarks for the future.

Keywords: Agatston score; Coronary artery calcium; Limitations; Management; Reporting system; Strengths.

Publication types

  • Review