FlavoDb: a web-based chemical repository of flavonoid compounds

3 Biotech. 2019 Nov;9(11):431. doi: 10.1007/s13205-019-1962-7. Epub 2019 Oct 31.


There are many online resources that focus on chemical diversity of natural compounds, but only handful of resources exist that focus solely on flavonoid compounds and integrate structural and functional properties; however, extensive collated flavonoid literature is still unavailable to scientific community. Here we present an open access database 'FlavoDb' that is focused on providing physicochemical properties as well as topological descriptors that can be effectively implemented in deducing large scale quantitative structure property models of flavonoid compounds. In the current version of database, we present data on 1, 19,400 flavonoid compounds, thereby covering most of the known structural space of flavonoid class of compounds. Moreover, effective structure searching tool presented here is expected to provide an interactive and easy-to-use tool for obtaining flavonoid-based literature and allied information. Data from FlavoDb can be freely accessed via its intuitive graphical user interface made available at following web address: http://bioinfo.net.in/flavodb/home.html.

Keywords: Database; Drug discovery; Flavanones; Flavone; Isoflavones; Neoflavonoids; Phytochemicals; QSPR; Topological descriptor.