Unique 3D tomography apparatus was built and successfully tested in Research Centre Rez. The apparatus allows three-dimensional view into the interior of low-dimension radioactive samples with a diameter up to several tens of millimeters with a betterresolution then 1 mm3 and is designed to detect domains with different levels of radioactivity. Structural inhomogeneities such as cavities, cracks or regions with different chemical composition can be detected using this equipment. The SPECT scanner has been successfully tested on several samples composed of a 3-mm radionuclide source located eccentrically within homogeneous steel bushings. To detect fine cracks inside a small sample, an ultrafine scan of the sample was carried out in the course of 24 hours with a 0.5-mm longitudinal and transverse step and 18° angular step. The exact location and orientation of a fine crack artificially formed inside a sample has been detected.
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