Purpose: Multiple symptoms can have a negative impact on quality of life (QoL), but there is little information about the impact of multiple symptoms on QoL of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) during outpatient chemotherapy. Therefore, the purpose was to assess the physical and mental QoL in CRC patients over six months of chemotherapy, to evaluate the association of QoL with the presence of multiple symptoms, and to determine which demographic and clinical characteristics are associated with physical and mental QoL scores.
Methods: Outpatients with CRC (N = 120) completed the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (SF-12) and Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS) at eight time points during six months of chemotherapy. Linear mixed models for repeated measures were used to analyse QoL over time; and its association with demographic and clinical characteristics; and with the presence of multiple symptoms (e.g., 'numbness/tingling' and 'problems with sexual interest').
Results: The CRC patients had worse physical and mental QoL scores than the general population at all time points. Impaired physical QoL was significantly associated with psychological symptom burden (p < 0.001) and numbness/tingling (p < 0.027). Impaired mental QoL was associated with physical symptom burden (p < 0.001), with being female (p < 0.009), younger age (p < 0.024), and having problems with sexual interest (p < 0.009).
Conclusions: Impaired QoL was associated with symptoms in CRC outpatients. This information about the symptoms and characteristics associated with worse QoL during chemotherapy may help clinicians identify and inform at-risk patients.
Keywords: Chemotherapy; Colorectal cancer; MSAS; Quality of life; Symptoms.
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