There is little research related to the biomechanical effects of Tai Chi on the hip joint. This study was aimed to analyze the biomechanical characteristic of a typical Tai Chi movement, Brush Knee and Twist Step. A total of 12 experienced older men voluntarily participated in this study. Each participant was requested to perform standard Brush Knee and Twist Step and normal walking. The scaled-generic musculoskeletal model of each participant was developed. A finite element model of the hip joint and pelvis was established and validated. Data from each trail were input to the model for simulation, and the biomechanics were compared between Brush Knee and Twist Step and walking. Compared with walking, Tai Chi may have better improvement in the range of motion of the hip joint and the coordination of the neuromuscular system under safer condition. It is suitable for patients with hip osteoarthritis and the older adults with severe muscle loss, and clinical studies are required to confirm it further.
Keywords: Tai Ji; exercise; gait analysis; simulation.