Identification and Surgical Management of Upper Arm and Forearm Compartment Syndrome

Cureus. 2019 Oct 8;11(10):e5862. doi: 10.7759/cureus.5862.


Extremity muscles are grouped and divided by strong fascial membranes into compartments. Multiple pathological processes can result in an increase in the pressure within a muscle compartment. An increase in the compartment pressure beyond the adequate perfusion pressure has the potential to cause extremity compartment syndrome. There are multiple sites where compartment syndrome can occur. In this article, an arm and forearm compartment syndrome ensued secondary to a minor crushing injury that lead to supracondylar and medial epicondylar non-displaced fractures. A pure motor radial and ulnar nerve deficits noted on presentation, worsened with progression of the compartment syndrome. Ultimately, a surgical fasciotomy was carried out to release all compartments of the right upper arm and forearm.

Keywords: condylar fracture; fasciotomy; forearm compartment syndrome; pediatric supracondylar humerus fracture; upper arm compartment syndrome.

Publication types

  • Case Reports