Purpose: This study aims to investigate rehabilitation strategies to reduce trismus, pain, and edema in patients with maxillofacial trauma.
Methods: An electronic search in main databases was performed, including studies published until November 2017. Clinical trials aiming to investigate therapeutic techniques to improve mandibular range of motion and to reduce pain and edema compared to other treatments were included.
Results: Nine studies were included in the review with different therapy modalities: photobiomodulation, kinesiologic tape, hilotherapy, jaw exercises, and TENS. Only five studies had available data to be included in a meta-analysis. There were no differences between any of the proposed strategies and its controls to prevent trismus. Individuals treated with hilotherapy presented less pain compared to controls. Kinesiologic tape or hilotherapy reduced edema when compared to controls daily until postoperative day 3.
Conclusions: There is diversity among the proposed rehabilitation techniques, and types of fractures and there are few numbers of included participants in each study. The results obtained in this review do not promote evidence to guide the use of non-drug rehabilitation techniques in patients with maxillofacial trauma after surgical intervention.
Keywords: Edema; Maxillofacial injuries; Oral rehabilitation; Pain; Trismus.