A 2018 workshop: vaccine and drug ontology studies (VDOS 2018)

BMC Bioinformatics. 2019 Dec 23;20(Suppl 21):705. doi: 10.1186/s12859-019-3191-9.


This Editorial first introduces the background of the vaccine and drug relations and how biomedical terminologies and ontologies have been used to support their studies. The history of the seven workshops, initially named VDOSME, and then named VDOS, is also summarized and introduced. Then the 7th International Workshop on Vaccine and Drug Ontology Studies (VDOS 2018), held on August 10th, 2018, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, is introduced in detail. These VDOS workshops have greatly supported the development, applications, and discussion of vaccine- and drug-related terminology and drug studies.

Keywords: Adverse event; Data integration; Drug; Knowledge standardization; Ontology; Text mining; VDOS workshop; Vaccine.

MeSH terms

  • Biological Ontologies
  • Congresses as Topic
  • Humans
  • Pharmaceutical Preparations*
  • Vaccines*


  • Pharmaceutical Preparations
  • Vaccines