Laryngeal diseases are manifested by obstructive breathing patterns reflecting functional or mechanical upper airway obstruction. Laryngeal paralysis is the most common disease of the larynx. Diagnosis requires close attention to anesthetic plane and coordination of respiratory effort with laryngeal motion. Surgical arytenoid lateralization improves clinical signs and quality of life in dogs; however, aspiration pneumonia is a recognized complication, and generalized neuropathy can progress. Laryngeal collapse can result from any cause of chronic upper airway obstruction but is most often associated with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. Although uncommon, laryngeal neoplasia has a guarded to grave prognosis regardless of treatment.
Keywords: Aspiration pneumonia; Brachycephalic syndrome; Laryngeal collapse; Laryngeal neoplasia; Laryngeal paralysis; Megaesophagus; Upper airway obstruction.
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