Single-crystal X-ray diffraction dataset for 3,5-difluoro-2,6-bis(4-iodophenoxy)-4-phenoxypyridine

Data Brief. 2019 Dec 13:28:104956. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104956. eCollection 2020 Feb.


The data in this article are related to the research article "Utilizing the Regioselectivity of Perfluoropyridine towards the Preparation of Phenyoxyacetylene Precursors for Partially Fluorinated Polymers of Diverse Architecture."1 The X-ray structure analysis of 3,5-difluoro-2,6-bis(4-iodophenoxy)-4-phenoxypyridine has revealed an asymmetric unit containing two molecules, linked via both Type I and Type II C-I∙∙∙I-C halogen bonding interactions. The packing is further consolidated via Ar-H∙∙∙π interactions. This compound has been utilized for the synthesis of monomers for linear and network polymers.

Keywords: Halogen bonding; Pentafluoropyrinde; Perfluoropyridine; Solid state X-ray.