The data in this article are related to the research article "Utilizing the Regioselectivity of Perfluoropyridine towards the Preparation of Phenyoxyacetylene Precursors for Partially Fluorinated Polymers of Diverse Architecture."1 The X-ray structure analysis of 3,5-difluoro-2,6-bis(4-iodophenoxy)-4-phenoxypyridine has revealed an asymmetric unit containing two molecules, linked via both Type I and Type II C-I∙∙∙I-C halogen bonding interactions. The packing is further consolidated via Ar-H∙∙∙π interactions. This compound has been utilized for the synthesis of monomers for linear and network polymers.
Keywords: Halogen bonding; Pentafluoropyrinde; Perfluoropyridine; Solid state X-ray.