Are Trait Emotional Competencies and Heart Rate Variability Linked to Mental Health of Coronary Heart Disease Patients?

Psychol Rep. 2021 Feb;124(1):23-38. doi: 10.1177/0033294119898116. Epub 2020 Jan 7.


Purpose: Depression and anxiety have been extensively associated with adverse outcomes in coronary heart disease patients. However, psychological and physiological processes underlying the persistence of these troubles in coronary heart disease patients attending cardiac rehabilitation are poorly investigated. Trait emotional competencies and heart rate variability could be some of these processes. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the predictive value of trait emotional competencies and heart rate variability on depression and anxiety symptoms persistence in coronary heart disease patients.

Methods: Eighty-four patients who recently presented a myocardial infarction were evaluated at the beginning of cardiac rehabilitation. Forty-two patients continued their rehabilitation program and were then assessed three months later. They completed the Profile of Emotional Competence as well as the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and underwent a 5-minute resting heart rate variability measure.

Results: Low trait emotional competencies score predicted depression symptoms persistence, but unexpectedly, high trait emotional competencies score was also associated with withdrawal from cardiac rehabilitation. Contrary to our expectations, heart rate variability did not predict depression or anxiety symptoms persistence and was not associated with trait emotional competencies.

Conclusions: This study is the first to report an association between trait emotional competencies and depression symptoms persistence in coronary heart disease patients. However, heart rate variability was not associated with either depression or anxiety supporting the idea of mixed literature and highlighting the need of future research.

Keywords: Heart rate variability; anxiety; coronary heart disease; depression; emotional competencies.

MeSH terms

  • Anxiety / complications
  • Coronary Disease / complications
  • Coronary Disease / physiopathology*
  • Coronary Disease / psychology*
  • Coronary Disease / rehabilitation
  • Depression / complications
  • Emotions*
  • Female
  • Heart Rate*
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Mental Health*
  • Middle Aged