A strong GABAergic tone imposes sparse levels of activity in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. This balance is challenged by the addition of new granule cells (GCs) with high excitability. How developing GCs integrate within local inhibitory networks remains unknown. We used optogenetics to study synaptogenesis between new GCs and GABAergic interneurons expressing parvalbumin (PV-INs) and somatostatin (SST-INs). PV-INs target the soma, and synapses become mature after 6 weeks. This transition is accelerated by exposure to an enriched environment. PV-INs exert efficient control of GC spiking and participate in both feedforward and feedback loops, a mechanism that would favor lateral inhibition and sparse coding. SST-INs target the dendrites, and synapses mature after 8 weeks. Outputs from GCs onto PV-INs develop faster than those onto SST-INs. Our results reveal a long-lasting transition wherein adult-born neurons remain poorly coupled to inhibition, which might enhance activity-dependent plasticity of input and output synapses.
Keywords: excitation; inhibition.
Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.