The effect of fiberglass type and adding a very small amount of Nano filler in the resin on mechanical and thermal properties of multilayers laminate composite has been studied. The results show clearly that laminate composites can be achieved by controlling the fiberglass type and by dispersing nanoparticles in the resin. Using continues fiber glass helps to increase the impact strength by 17 %-24% compared with samples with random fiberglass. The barcol hardness of continues fiberglass composite is 7% higher than random fiberglass composite. The results of this study show that using small amount form Nano filler in the resin could produce a laminate composite with excellent thermal and mechanical properties.
Keywords: Barcol hardness; Fiberglass; Materials science; Mechanical properties; Microstructure; Nano filler; Nanocomposites; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Thermal properties.
© 2020 The Authors.