Objective: To understand the knowledge and attitude of breast milk donation among hospitalized mothers, and provide data to support the establishment and development of breast milk bank in China.
Methods: By convenient sampling method, 200 hospitalized mothers were interviewed by 'The Questionnaire on Knowledge and Attitude toward Breast Milk Donation in Hospitalized Mothers' in Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital from September 2015 to November 2018.
Results: The overall correct answer rate about the knowledge on breast milk donation was not high (29.23%). The average score of breast milk donation attitude was relatively low, with a score of 32.97 ± 4.30.
Conclusion: The average correct answer rate for breast milk donation knowledge was relatively low, and the attitude on breast milk donation was not positive. The scope and intensity of breast milk donation are suggested to be expanded to promote the construction of breast milk banks.
Keywords: Actitud; Attitude; Breast milk; Conocimiento; Donación; Donation; Hospitalized mothers; Knowledge; Leche materna; Madres hospitalizadas.
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