Objectives: To investigate cardiac implantable electrical device (CIED) first implants in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in a Swedish tertiary university hospital. Design: Clinical and technical data on pacemaker, implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) first implants performed in HCM patients at the Karolinska University Hospital from 2005 to 2016 were extracted from the Swedish Pacemaker and ICD Registry. Echocardiographic data were obtained by review of hospital recordings. Results: The number of first pacemaker implants in HCM patients was 70 (1.5% of total pacemaker implants). The mean age of HCM pacemaker patients was 71 ± 10 years. Pacemaker implants were almost uniformly distributed between genders. Dual-chamber pacemakers with or without CRT properties were prevalent (6 and 93%, respectively). The number of first ICD implants in HCM patients was 99 (5.1% of total ICD implants). HCM patients receiving an ICD were 53 ± 15 years and prevalently men (70%). Sixty-five (66%) patients were implanted for primary prevention. Dual-chamber ICDs with or without CRT were 21 and 65%, respectively. Obstructive HCM was present in 47% pacemaker patients and 25% ICD patients with available pre-implant echo. Conclusions: This retrospective registry-based study provides a picture of CIED first implants in HCM patients in a Swedish tertiary university hospital. ICDs were the most commonly implanted devices, covering 59% of CIED implants. HCM patients receiving a pacemaker or an ICD had different epidemiological and clinical profiles.
Keywords: Cardiac resynchronization therapy; cardiomyopathy; medical devices; pacing; registry.