"I cannot live without my vape": Electronic cigarette user-identified indicators of vaping dependence

Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020 Apr 1:209:107886. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.107886. Epub 2020 Feb 5.


Background: Limited research has examined indicators of electronic cigarette (ECIG) dependence. Researchers have adapted ECIG dependence measures from cigarette smoking dependence measures, but few have examined unique aspects of ECIG dependence. This study used concept mapping, a mixed-methods approach to examine ECIG user-identified indicators of ECIG dependence.

Methods: In 2019, we recruited current ECIG users (n = 75; 52.9 % women; mean age = 33.2, SD = 9.9) from 25 states to complete an online study. Participants completed a brief survey and brainstormed statements (n = 216) completing the prompt: "Something specific that makes me think I am addicted to using my electronic cigarette/vaping device is…" After duplicate content was removed, participants sorted the final list of 93 statements by content similarity and rated statements on how true statements were for them (1 - Definitely NOT true to 7 - Definitely true). Multidimensional scaling analysis identified ECIG dependence thematic clusters.

Results: We identified ten themes: Craving, Negative Affect, Vaping as a Necessity, Therapeutic Effects, Preparedness, Attachment to Device, Impact on Daily Activity, Physical Withdrawal Symptoms, Monetary Cost, and Shame or Embarrassment. Those who had higher ECIG dependence scores and those who reported more frequent ECIG use had higher mean cluster ratings than those with lower ECIG dependence scores and who reported less frequent ECIG use. (ps<.05).

Conclusions: ECIG dependence has similarities to cigarette smoking dependence, but dependence indicators appear to be unique to ECIG use. Health professionals and the public should be aware of ECIG dependence risk and indicators.

Keywords: Dependence; Electronic cigarettes.

Publication types

  • Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
  • Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.

MeSH terms

  • Adult
  • Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems*
  • Female
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Smokers / psychology*
  • Surveys and Questionnaires
  • Tobacco Use Disorder / epidemiology
  • Tobacco Use Disorder / psychology*
  • Vaping / epidemiology
  • Vaping / psychology*
  • Vaping / trends*
  • Young Adult