The Tropomyosin-receptor kinase fused gene (TFG) encodes TFG which is expressed in spinal motor neurons, dorsal root ganglia and cranial nerve nuclei, and plays a role in the dynamics of the endoplasmic reticulum. Two dominant missense TFG mutations have previously been reported in limited geographical areas (Far East, Iran, China) in association with hereditary motor sensory neuropathy with proximal involvement (HMSN-P) of the four limbs, or with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 (CMT2). The 60-year-old female proband belonging to a three-generation Italian family presented with an atypical neuropathy characterized by diffuse painful cramps and prominent motor-sensory impairment of the distal upper limbs. Her sural nerve biopsy showed chronic axonal neuropathy without active degeneration or regeneration. Targeted next-generation sequencing of a panel with 98 genes associated with inherited peripheral neuropathies/neuromuscular disorders identified three candidate genes: TFG, DHTKD1 and DCTN2. In the family, the disease co-segregated with the TFG p.(Gly269Val) variant. TFG should be considered in genetic testing of patients with heterogeneous inherited neuropathy, independently of their ethnic origin.
Keywords: CMT2; HMSN-P; Next Generation Sequencing; TFG.
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