Background: Urinary tract infections are among the more common types of nosocomial infection in Germany and are associated with catheters in more than 60% of cases. With increasing rates of antibiotic resistance worldwide, it is essential to distinguish catheter-associated asymptomatic bacteriuria from catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CA-UTI).
Methods: This review is based on publications from January 2000 to March 2019 that were retrieved by a selective search in Medline. Randomized clinical trials and systematic reviews in which the occurrence of CA-UTI in adult patients was a primary or secondary endpoint were included in the analysis. Two authors of this review, working independently, selected the publications and extracted the data.
Results: 508 studies were identified and 69 publications were selected for analysis by the prospectively defined criteria. The studies that were included dealt with the following topics: need for catheterization, duration of catheterization, type of catheter, infection prophylaxis, education programs, and multiple interventions. The duration of catheterization is a determinative risk factor for CA-UTI. The indications for catheterization should be carefully considered in each case, and the catheter should be left in place for the shortest possible time. The available data on antibiotic prophylaxis do not permit any definitive conclusion, but they do show a small benefit from antibiotic-impregnated catheters and from systemic antibiotic prophylaxis.
Conclusion: Various measures, including careful consideration of the indication for catheterization, leaving catheters in place for the shortest possible time, and the training of nursing personnel, can effectively lower the incidence of CA-UTI. The eous in some respects, and thus no recommendations can be given on certain questions relevant to CA-UTI.