Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the dental status and temporomandibular diseases (TMDs)-related symptoms in children with generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) and compare them with healthy controls (HCs).
Methods: This is a cross-sectional, observational study carried out between September 2016 and April 2017. A total of 124 children with GJH (n = 62) and HC (n = 62) were enrolled. The GJH was assessed with the Beighton hypermobility score. The subjects were screened for dental status and TMD-related symptoms. The assessment included the index for "decayed," "missing," and "filled teeth" (DMFT, dmft); plaque; gingival bleeding; tooth mobility; and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) evaluation.
Results: The mean Beighton hypermobility score was 6.3 ± 1.2 in the GJH group. Visible plaque index and gingival bleeding index scores were found to be significantly higher in children with GJH then in the HC (p = 0.031, p = 0.023). No differences were found regarding the DMFT scores between the groups (p = 0.16). Temporomandibular disorder-related symptom frequencies were significantly higher in children with GJH (p < 0.001). The most common clinically determined sign of TMD was clicking with a maximum active mouth-opening. Combined TMJ symptoms and TMD were observed in approximately one third of the children with GJH.
Conclusions: The presence of GJH in a child may be indicative of future dental or TMJ problems, and it may cause dental problems due to increased gingival bleeding index and visible plaque index scores. Therefore, children with GJH require preventive dental and TMJ care.
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