Introduction: The need of iterative surgeries, the proximity of two anatomical areas, the combination of an aesthetic surgery with a surgery covered by health insurance are the reasons which motivated the authors to provide a simultaneous procedure on arms and breast in patients achieving massive weight loss. We propose a vertical continuation of the lateral mastopexy incision superiorly, in continuity with a simultaneous brachioplasty incision to treat the excess skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lateral chest wall, either by resection, or by increasing the breast with the patients own autologous tissue.
Methods: Between 2010 and 2017, twelve patients aged between 31 and 56 years, with 42 being the average, have undergone a technique that utilises a vertical continuation of the lateral mastopexy incision superiorly, in continuity with a simultaneous brachioplasty incision: transverse skin incisions and free nipple transplantation for correction of extreme gynaecomastia (2 cases), mastopexy with resection of the excess tissue of the lateral chest wall (8 cases), autologous breast augmentation by the use of intercostal artery perforator flaps (2 cases). Mean body mass index (BMI) was 24kg/m2 [23; 32] after average weight loss of 56kg [14; 112] following diet (3 cases) or bariatric surgery (9 cases).
Results: Mean operative time was 4hours [3: 6], mean length of hospital stay was 4 days [2; 9]. We observed one major complication (hematoma) and one minor complication (wound dehiscence). At a mean follow-up of 21 months (ranged from 15 days to 84 months), the lateral flank scarring was well tolerated, with the additional benefit of reducing flank fullness.
Conclusion: The extended lateral flank scar allows reducing the excess skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lateral chest wall, while being easily concealable. This technique offers an elegant solution to this excess that used to persist after multistage surgeries.
Keywords: Augmentation mammaire autologue; Autologous breast augmentation; Bariatric surgery; Brachioplastie; Brachioplasty; Chirurgie bariatrique; Lambeau; Mammaplasty; Mammoplastie; Perte de poids; Surgical flaps; Weight loss.
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