Throughout the central nervous system, neurons expressing the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin have been typically classified as GABAergic with fast-spiking characteristics. However, new methods that allow systematic characterization of the cytoarchitectural organization, connectivity, activity patterns, neurotransmitter nature, and function of genetically-distinct cell types have revealed populations of parvalbumin-positive neurons that are glutamatergic. Remarkably, such findings challenge longstanding concepts that fast-spiking neurons are exclusively GABAergic, suggesting conservation of the fast-spiking phenotype across at least two neurotransmitter systems. This review focuses on the recent advancements that have begun to reveal the functional roles of lateral hypothalamic parvalbumin-positive neurons in regulating behaviors essential for survival.
Keywords: Fast-spiking; Glutamatergic; Lateral hypothalamus; Nociception; Parvalbumin; Survival behaviors.
Published by Elsevier Inc.