Transamidation for the Synthesis of Primary Amides at Room Temperature

Org Lett. 2020 May 1;22(9):3504-3508. doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c00958. Epub 2020 Apr 16.


Various primary amides have been synthesized using the transamidation of various tertiary amides under metal-free and mild reaction conditions. When (NH4)2CO3 reacts with a tertiary amide bearing an N-electron-withdrawing substituent, such as sulfonyl and diacyl, in DMSO at 25 °C, the desired primary amide product is formed in good yield with good funcctional group tolerance. In addition, N-tosylated lactam derivatives afforded their corresponding N-tosylamido alkyl amide products via a ring opening reaction.