The gut microbiota is part of the human body that is involved in body metabolism and the occurrence of various diseases. Detecting and analyzing their genetic information (microbiome) is as important as analyzing human genes. The core microbiome, the key functional genes shared by all humans, helps better understand the physiology of the human body. Information on the gut microbiome of a diseased person can help diagnose and treat disease. The pancreatobiliary system releases functional antimicrobial substances, such as bile acids and antimicrobial peptides, which affect the gut microbiota directly. In response, the gut microbiota influences pancreatobiliary secretion by controlling the generation and emission of substances through indirect signaling. This crosstalk maintains homeostasis of the pancreatobiliary system secretion and microbiota. Dysbiosis and disease can occur if this fails to work properly. Bile acid therapy has been used widely and may affect the microbial environment in the intestine. An association of the gut microbiota has been reported in many cases of pancreatobiliary diseases, including malignant tumors. Traditionally, most pancreatobiliary diseases are accompanied by infections from the gut microbiota, which is an important target for treatment. The pancreatobiliary system can control its function through physical and drug therapy. This may be a new pioneering field in the study or treatment of the gut microbiota.
Keywords: Biliary tract; Gastrointestinal microbiome; Pancreas.