Calcium improves apoplastic-cytosolic ion homeostasis in salt-stressed Vicia faba leaves

Funct Plant Biol. 2017 May;44(5):515-524. doi: 10.1071/FP15381.


Salinity disturbs both apoplastic and cytosolic Ca2+ and pH ([Ca2+]apo, [Ca2+]cyt, pHapo and pHcyt) homeostasis, and decreases plant growth. Seedlings of Vicia faba L. cv. Fuego were cultivated in hydroponics for 7 days under control, salinity (S), extra Ca (Ca) or salinity with extra Ca (S+Ca) conditions. The [Ca2+]apo, and pHapo in the leaves were then recorded in parallel by a pseudoratiometric method, described here for the first time. Lower [Ca2+]apo and higher pHapo were obtained under salinity, whereas extra Ca supply increased the [Ca2+]apo and acidified the pHapo. Moreover, the ratiometric imaging recorded that [Ca2+]cyt and pHcyt were highest in S+Ca plants and lowest in control plants. After all pretreatments, direct addition of NaC6H11O7 to leaves induced a decrease in [Ca2+]apo in control and S+Ca plants, but not in S and Ca plants, and only slightly affected pHapo. Addition of NaCl increased [Ca2+]cyt in protoplasts from all plants but only transiently in protoplasts from S+Ca plants. Addition of NaCl decreased pHcyt in protoplasts from Ca-pretreated plants. We conclude that Ca supply improves both apoplastic and cytosolic ion homeostasis. In addition, NaC6H11O7 probably causes transport of Ca from the apoplast into the cytosol, thereby leading to a higher resting [Ca2+]cyt.