Introduction: The maxillary central incisor impaction represents a complex challenge in paediatric dentistry practice and may result in aesthetic and functional disharmony. The causes of this condition include physical barriers associated or not with a lack of space making eruption not possible, idiopathic ectopic positioning of the teeth or by trauma, non-coordination in rhizalysis and rhizogenesis between deciduous and successor or tooth shape abnormalities. The incidence of this involvement is quite rare, around 1% of the population. Opening of space through disjunction of the palatal suture is the main treatment proposed to solve this situation and, when necessary, the orthodontic traction assisted by surgery.
Description: Were presented two cases of maxillary central incisors impaction in children treated with rapid maxillary expansion, alignment and levelling, and a follow-up after 5 years of treatment.
Results and conclusions: The challenge of these treatments were based on the early treatment in mixed dentition with expansion. The treatment of permanent maxillary central incisor impaction in children enabled excellent periodontal response and post-treatment occlusal stability.
Keywords: Corrective orthodontics; Impacted tooth; Interceptive orthodontics; Palatal expansion technique.
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