Identification of risk factors of acute coronary syndrome in young patients between 18-40 years of age at a teaching hospital

Pak J Med Sci. 2020 May-Jun;36(4):821-824. doi: 10.12669/pjms.36.4.2302.


Objectives: To identify the risk factors in acute coronary syndrome.

Methods: It was a case series study, conducted in coronary care unit of Jinnah Hospital, Lahore from January to December 2018. Convenient sampling was used for patients' selection. The serum cardiac enzymes level was measured, and serial ECG was done at admission and repeated if required. Blood samples were collected after an overnight fast of 14 hours and tests were done for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.

Results: Out of 300 patients of acute coronary syndrome, 100 (33.33%) were female and 200 (66.67%) were males. Majority of patients 180 (60%) belonged to age group of 25-40 years. Out of 300 patients 94 (31.33%) had diabetes mellitus, while 139 (46.3%) were suffering from hypertension. Out of 290 patients 95 (32.7%) had family history of coronary artery disease. Out of 298 patients 125 (41.9%) were smokers.

Conclusion: Acute coronary syndrome in age group of 18- 40 Years showed a male predominance with major modifiable risk factors; Hypertension followed by Diabetes mellitus, smoking and Dyslipidemia. Positive family history a non-modifiable risk factor in patients of ACS was also a common finding.

Keywords: Acute coronary syndrome; Cardiac enzymes; Risk factors; Young age.