Background: The prevalence of smoking among patients undergoing bariatric surgery has been reported to be as high as 40%. The effect of smoking in the perioperative period has been extensively studied for various surgical procedures, but limited data are available for bariatric surgery. The objective of this study is to review the existing literature to assess: (1) the impact of smoking on postoperative morbidity and mortality after bariatric surgery, (2) the relationship between smoking and weight loss after bariatric surgery, and (3) the efficacy of smoking cessation in the perioperative period among bariatric surgery patients.
Methods: A comprehensive search of electronic databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library from 1946 to February 2020 was performed to identify relevant articles. Following an initial screen of 940 titles and abstracts, 540 full articles were reviewed.
Results: Forty-eight studies met criteria for analysis: five structured interviews, three longitudinal studies, thirty-two retrospective studies and eight prospective studies. Smoking within 1 year prior to bariatric surgery was found to be an independent risk factor for increased 30-day mortality and major postoperative complications, particularly wound and pulmonary complications. Smoking was significantly associated with long-term complications including marginal ulceration and bone fracture. Smoking has little to no effect on weight loss following bariatric surgery, with studies reporting at most a 3% increased percentage excess weight loss. Rates of smoking recidivism are high with studies reporting that up to 17% of patients continue to smoke postoperatively.
Conclusions: Although current best practice guidelines recommend only a minimum of 6 weeks of abstinence from smoking prior to bariatric surgery, the findings of this review suggest that smoking within 1 year prior to bariatric surgery is associated with significant postoperative morbidity. More investigation is needed on strategies to improve smoking cessation compliance among bariatric surgery patients in the perioperative period.
Keywords: Bariatric surgery; Cigarette; Smoking; Smoking cessation; Tobacco; Weight loss surgery.