Introduction: Technology provides a platform to help address individualized training needs for community preceptors who are separated from the campus and pressured to achieve clinical productivity goals. This study explores technology use and support for delivering faculty development to community preceptors.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was part of the 2017 Council of Academic Family Medicine's (CAFM) Educational Research Alliance (CERA) annual survey of family medicine clerkship directors in the United States and Canada.
Results: The majority of respondents (n=62, 68.9%) agreed or strongly agreed that "using technology is critical to the successful delivery of faculty development to community preceptors." Only one-third (n=31) agreed or strongly agreed that their institution offers them adequate support to create and deliver technology-mediated faculty development or offers adequate support to community preceptors for accessing and using technology.
Conclusions: Clerkship directors need institutional support to provide effective faculty development to preceptors via technology. The opportunity exists for institutions, national organizations, and professions to collaborate across disciplines and health professions on technology-based faculty development to support a level of quality and engagement for faculty development that is consistent with the levels we bring to student education.
© 2019 by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.