Introduction: Xanthelasma palpebrarum (XP) is a common xanthomatous lesion of the eyelid and periorbital skin. Several methods of treatment have been reported in the literature, each having its own indications and risks. We present a new treatment method for removing XP using a plasma exeresis device (Plexr®, GMV, Italy).
Methods: Fifteen patients with a total of 27 treated XPs were assessed and clinically identified by the treating dermatologist. Patients were photographed and assessed by a dermatologist prior to and immediately after treatment. A patient survey was conducted 12 months after the procedure, which assessed the outcome of the procedure (redness, pigmentation disorders, and scars).
Results: After just a single treatment session using a plasma sublimation, all 27 XPs showed complete clearance. There were no reports of scars, pigmentary alteration, or recurrence of lesions up to 12 months.
Conclusions: We present plasma sublimation as a new method for the treatment of XP. During the procedure, the method allows to control the depth of tissue destruction and the presence of xanthoma tissue, and to minimize pain and trauma, making it particularly ideal for treating areas around the eye.