Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) affects 1.6 million Americans, and only 14% of emerging adults ages 18-25 years achieve targets for glycemic control (A1C < 7.0%). Sleep deficiency, including habitual short sleep duration (<6.5 hr total sleep time and high within-person variability in total sleep time), is associated with poorer glycemic control. Emerging adults with T1D have a more pronounced sleep extension on weekends compared with matched controls, consistent with sleep deficiency; however, associations among sleep variability and glycemic control have not been explored in this population. Sleep deficiency may affect the complex higher-order neurocognitive functioning needed for successful diabetes self-management (DSM). We report the protocol for an ongoing study designed to characterize sleep and the associations among sleep deficiency, neurocognitive function, DSM, diabetes quality of life, and glycemia among a sample of 40 emerging adults with T1D. We monitor sleep via wrist-worn actigraphy and glucose via continuous glucose monitoring concurrently over 14 days. We are collecting data on self-report and objective sleep, a 10-min psychomotor vigilance test on a PVT-192 device, a 3-min Trail Making Test on paper, and questionnaires, including twice-daily Pittsburgh sleep diaries using Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)TM . Results from this study will be used to support the development and testing of the efficacy of a tailored sleep self-management intervention that may improve total sleep time, sleep variability, neurocognitive function, DSM, glycemic control, and glucose variability among emerging adults with T1D.
Keywords: Type 1 diabetes; emerging adults; glucose variability; glycemic control; sleep deficiency; sleep variability.
© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.