The epidemiology of edentulism and the associated factors: A literature Review

J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Apr 30;9(4):1841-1843. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1181_19. eCollection 2020 Apr.


Considering the advancement of curative and preventive dentistry, edentulism is still a challenging problem for healthcare providers all over the world. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the main causative factors to teeth loss and eventually, if untreated, lead to edentulism. The socioeconomical factors also contribute to the edentulism as it has an association with education and income status. This literature review will put some highlights in the epidemiology and etiology of edentulism, its prevalence, and the association with the social-economical factors.

Keywords: Edentulism; edentulous; teeth loss.

Publication types

  • Review