Objectives: To examine the efficacy of an intratympanic steroid injection in tinnitus cases unresponsive to medical treatment.
Materials and methods: The study was carried out at the Ear, Nose, and Throat Department with 107 patients (46 male, 61 female) between the ages of 20 and 77 with a mean of 42.8 years who had idiopathic tinnitus. Patients were randomized by simple randomization to receive intratympanic dexamethasone or isotonic solution. The patients received six intratympanic injections, two per week for three weeks. Tinnitus handicap index (THI) was performed before treatment and at first week, first month, and six months after the completion of the study protocol. The audiometric tests were performed six months after the treatment.
Result: In the study group, pretreatment THI and post-treatment first month THI scores and pretreatment THI and post-treatment sixth month THI scores were significantly different whereas the same scores were not significantly different in the control group. The comparison of THI scores between the groups revealed significantly lower scores in the first and sixth months for the study group.
Conclusion: The effect of the intratympanic injection of dexamethasone on the efficacy of treatment of tinnitus severity was statistically significant.