Anomalous diffusion and nonergodicity for heterogeneous diffusion processes with fractional Gaussian noise

Phys Rev E. 2020 Jul;102(1-1):012146. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.012146.


Heterogeneous diffusion processes (HDPs) feature a space-dependent diffusivity of the form D(x)=D_{0}|x|^{α}. Such processes yield anomalous diffusion and weak ergodicity breaking, the asymptotic disparity between ensemble and time averaged observables, such as the mean-squared displacement. Fractional Brownian motion (FBM) with its long-range correlated yet Gaussian increments gives rise to anomalous and ergodic diffusion. Here, we study a combined model of HDPs and FBM to describe the particle dynamics in complex systems with position-dependent diffusivity driven by fractional Gaussian noise. This type of motion is, inter alia, relevant for tracer-particle diffusion in biological cells or heterogeneous complex fluids. We show that the long-time scaling behavior predicted theoretically and by simulations for the ensemble- and time-averaged mean-squared displacements couple the scaling exponents α of HDPs and the Hurst exponent H of FBM in a characteristic way. Our analysis of the simulated data in terms of the rescaled variable y∼|x|^{1/(2/(2-α))}/t^{H} coupling particle position x and time t yields a simple, Gaussian probability density function (PDF), P_{HDP-FBM}(y)=e^{-y^{2}}/sqrt[π]. Its universal shape agrees well with theoretical predictions for both uni- and bimodal PDF distributions.