Discrete Manhattan and Chebyshev pair correlation functions in k dimensions

Phys Rev E. 2020 Jul;102(1-1):012130. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.012130.


Pair correlation functions provide a summary statistic which quantifies the amount of spatial correlation between objects in a spatial domain. While pair correlation functions are commonly used to quantify continuous-space point processes, the on-lattice discrete case is less studied. Recent work has brought attention to the discrete case, wherein on-lattice pair correlation functions are formed by normalizing empirical pair distances against the probability distribution of random pair distances in a lattice with Manhattan and Chebyshev metrics. These distance distributions are typically derived on an ad hoc basis as required for specific applications. Here we present a generalized approach to deriving the probability distributions of pair distances in a lattice with discrete Manhattan and Chebyshev metrics, extending the Manhattan and Chebyshev pair correlation functions to lattices in k dimensions. We also quantify the variability of the Manhattan and Chebyshev pair correlation functions, which is important to understanding the reliability and confidence of the statistic.