Environmental pollution by pharmaceuticals such as diclofenac (DCF) is globally acknowledged to be a threat to the ecosystems. Nauphoeta cinerea is an important insect with valuable ecological role. The present investigation aimed to elucidate the impact of DCF on insects by assessing the behavior and antioxidant defense response in nymphs of N. cinerea exposed to DCF-contaminated food at 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 μg kg-1 feed for 42 successive days. Subsequent to exposure period, neurobehavioral analysis using video-tracking software in a novel apparatus was performed before estimation of biochemical endpoints in the head, midgut and hemolymph of the insects. Results indicated that DCF-exposed insects exhibited marked reduction in the maximum speed, total distance traveled, mobile episodes, total mobile time, body rotation, absolute turn angle and path efficiency, whereas the total freezing time was increased compared with the control. The diminution in the exploratory activities of DCF-exposed insects was substantiated by heat maps and track plots. Additionally, DCF elicited marked diminution in antioxidant enzyme and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities along with increase in nitric oxide (NO), reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), and lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels in the head, midgut and hemolymph of the insects. Taken together, DCF elicited neurotoxicity and oxido-inflammatory stress in exposed insects. N. cinerea may be a suitable model insect for environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in non-target insect species.
Keywords: Environmental pollution; Insects; Non-target species; Pharmaceuticals; Toxicology.
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