Fungal infections are characteristic of severely immunocompromised patients. Noncandidal yeasts represent a growing proportion of such infections. Risk factors for developing fungal infections include the use and abuse of central venous catheters. Two patients with gynecologic malignant neoplasms became fungemic with Hansenula anomala, a yeast of the Ascomycetes class, after insertion of central venous catheters. Frequent catheter manipulation and prolonged use favored the development of fungemia in both patients. A review of the literature revealed 19 additional cases over the course of four decades, all in hosts with underlying diseases. Thirteen of these cases have been described in the last 18 months, suggesting either increased recognition or increased frequency of infection with this organism. All tested isolates have been susceptible to amphotericin B. Patients have generally responded to catheter withdrawal and amphotericin B administration. Hansenula anomala is an opportunistic pathogen, whose clinical behavior resembles that of Candida species.