From Preconception Care to the First Day of School: Transforming the Health of New Families With Lifestyle Medicine

Am J Lifestyle Med. 2020 May 18;14(5):532-540. doi: 10.1177/1559827620912703. eCollection 2020 Sep-Oct.


Lifestyle medicine holds great promise to transform health during the period from preconception to early childhood. Genetic, epigenetic, nutritional, and environmental factors have lifetime impact on the newborn and family. Little is known about the full potential of lifestyle medicine to improve maternal, child, and family health. Additionally, health care providers face limits in time and may have gaps in knowledge, that preclude discussion of the impact lifestyle medicine can the mother, newborn, and family. Greater understanding of the potential impact of lifestyle medicine provides opportunities to identify current deficiencies in care and areas for improvement and highlights the need for further research. This article reviews current evidence supporting the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine: nutrition, physical activity, sleep, avoiding risky substance use, stress management and social connectedness as applied to maternal child care from preconception to early childhood, examines the current state of practice, and identifies opportunities for both practice change and further research. Rather than view each component of care in isolation, viewing care as a continuum from preconception to childhood can best establish healthy habits and optimize outcomes for the entire family.

Keywords: lifestyle medicine; maternal child health; postpartum; preconception; well childcare.

Publication types

  • Review